Friday, February 10, 2006
Question[s] of the Day
If they [evangelical Christians] don't think Chad Allen can play straight convincingly for 108 minutes, do they honestly imagine that gay men who aren't actors can play straight for a lifetime? And if anyone reading this believes that gay men can actually become ex-gay men, I have just one question for you: Would you want your daughter to marry one? —Dan Savage writing in "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Ex-Gay Cowboys"
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Great moments in television I
I had to check the TV guide to see what I'd watched. It was an episode of "ER." Does this sort of thing occur often?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Jibe of the Day
The thing to remember about the Post’s political stance is that its top priority is and will remain the control of the U.S. by the private banking industry which runs the global economy out of Wall Street and which in turn controls the American monetary system through the privately-owned Federal Reserve. Unlike the radical right, which would just as soon destroy the ability of the U.S. government to do anything other than wage war and provide police protection to the rich, the Post would like to see us remain a viable nation, but one that is firmly under the control of the international financiers who are increasingly viewing themselves as the real world government. To these people, the U.S. economy has always been viewed as their own personal cash cow. Naturally, they do not want the cow to die, but they want to be sure to get the cream that flows from it and the best cuts of meat as the herd is culled. —"Gracchus Jones," reputed historian and monetary theorist from Washington, DC