Tuesday, January 01, 2008
My annual post annum depression
It's that time again when I grow world-weary and long for a bodhi tree to park my butt under. It may be an as-yet-unrecognized syndrome—PAD, or Post Annum Depression—an entire year's hangover wherein the pointlessness of it all becomes quite pointed.
Well, we mustn't give up or we'll miss the entertainment. But before refilling my poison pen, I thought I'd go through the archives to see if there was anything that might explain my current state. Here are some candidates—
- Neocons fear the pain of premature withdrawal (1/29/07)
The neocons haven't abandoned their designs on Iraq. Where there's a lie there's life. - TXU and the Great Waste (2/28/07)
Wherein the wealthy demonstrate their skill in exploiting hope for a better environment. - Documents: How to fire a U.S. Attorney (3/14/07)
Emails from the Justice Department. They said it, I didn't. - Novak acknowledges Israeli policy of apartheid (4/09/07)
In which a right-wing columnist suffers a bout of honesty and I propose a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. - BC3: Yet another strategem for replacing the missing Army (4/17/07)
The "Draft" returns: The Army drafts the Air Force to drive its trucks. - A different view of the Sunni-Shia conflict in Iraq (5/09/07)
Alexander Cockburn says the U.S. presence maintains the Iraqi civil war, and I read the Iraqi tea leaves through a glass darkly. - High of the Day (6/15/07)
One thread of free-market hucksterism begins to unravel. - "I'm Hillary, fly me" (6/27/07)
Hillary reveals her flightiness. - Foreign Agents of the Day (7/24/07)
How Israel recruits agents from American Christian college campuses. - Is an attack on Iran imminent? (8/29/07)
In which I seek to quell the hysteria. - A note on understanding elites (9/3/07)
Economics/schmeckonomics! Study the ways of the ruling classes. - Israel and domestic terrorism on the eve of 9/11 (9/11/07)
A fine case of media manipulation. - Quote of the Day (10/25/07)
What I really think. - Many in finance found to be SIV-positive (10/30/07)
What happens when financiers aren't required to use protection when screwing the populace. - Imperialism denied (11/02/07)
A foreign-policy pundit considers the American military budget and goes mad. - China shakes the dollar market (11/08/07)
Forget hoarding gold! Hoard the canned goods. - It's finally arrived: Iraq on a platter! (11/26/07)
Wherein the Bush administration publicy announces its true intentions for Iraq. Nobody notices. - "First" of the Day (12/27/07)
Why you should stop reading this blog and hustle on down to the bank.
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