Thursday, October 11, 2007
Translation Problem of the Day
Concerning the now-famous assertion by Iranian President Ahmadinejad that there are no gays in Iran—
... a media adviser to Mr. Ahmadinejad tells Reuters that he was misunderstood — that the translator failed to capture the president’s subtle way of speaking —Mike Nizza writing in "‘No Gays in Iran’? An Aide Says, Make That ‘Not Many’"
Since I don't speak Farsi, I can't get directly into the fray, but the French website Têtu has the goods. After reviewing the controversy Paul Parant writes—
However, some news sources tend to believe that the Iranian president was perfectly in command of his speech of September 24. After his talk at Columbia University, he even repeated it in the course of a question-and-answer session quoted by CNN: To the question "Could you expand upon your assertion concerning the absence of homosexuals in Iran?" Laughing he replied: "Seriously, I don't know a one. I don't know where homosexuality could be. Give me an address so we too can learn what's going on in Iran."[a Simply Appalling translation]
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Ahmadinejad exposed: Proof of homosexuals in Iran (9/27/07)
Tags: * Iranian gay rights homophobia
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