Thursday, October 18, 2007
A reader writes in ...
Tuesday I wrote about Microsoft's offer to donate up to 10¢ a day to your favorite charity in return for using their search engine. This left me feeling a bit squeamish, especially when I consider that Microsoft requires you to register for the program and then records your search engine activity in order for the charity to receive the payout. But I did mention—only as an afterthought, you understand—that if enough readers were to designate Simply Appalling as their favorite charity, I might revise my opinion.
So in my Inbox this morning was a note from a reader—
In my limited experience reading Simply Appalling I would have to say Simply Appalling is anything but charitable.
Well, I never! Has he considered all the writing I devote to religion?
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Microsoft search engine does charity fundraising (10/16/07)
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