Friday, November 16, 2007
News of Note — Nov 16 07
- The latest Taser murder caught on video. This time it was the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at the switch. Unaware they were filmed, the RCMP later claimed the man had fought with them.
Also view the AP report that includes an interview with a woman bystander. She tried to talk with the man who spoke no English. If he was a threat, she seems unaware of it. Amazing that a concerned woman could be unafraid to approach the man, but the police were so frightened they had to use their tasers twice.
- Why are the college campuses so quiet, you wonder? A journalism class at NYU found that 66% of the student body would give up their right to vote for a year's tuition, and 20% would exchange it for an iPod.
- Markos Moulitsos, founder of Daily Kos, will contribute opinion pieces to Newsweek during the 2008 Presidential campaign. I'm expecting a call from Time any day now.
Tags: news and politics
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