Thursday, June 24, 2004


Rat watch

As the heat builds in the bowels of the burning Ship of State, we'll be seeing more and more rats jumping ship.

I would have placed George Tenet, head of the CIA, in this category, but I'll have some interesting speculation on him for you later--which is to say that it's not entirely clear that he's "jumping ship."

But today we have an indisputable entry for our list:

Theodore B. Olson, 42nd Solicitor General of the United States, has announced his resignation effective sometime in July.

Chatterbox wrote of him,

Olson was a card-carrying member of the "right-wing conspiracy" to destroy President Bill Clinton through endless legal investigations of his personal life. Olson never liked to advertise that fact—indeed, in his Senate confirmation hearings he so minimized his role in the American Spectator's get-Clinton "Arkansas Project," funded by the deep-pocketed Clinton-hater Richard Mellon Scaife, that an ungenerous person would call it perjury. But Olson was a hugely important player in that tawdry episode. "If any single figure in Washington embodied the effort to undermine Clinton," write Joe Conason and Gene Lyons in their book The Hunting of the President: The Ten Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton, "it was Ted Olson."

More recently, you would have heard Mr. Olson dutifully presenting the government's case to the Supreme Court in the matter of the right of detainees in Guantánamo to have access to the federal court system. He was "agin" it.

I promise that we'll have many more entries for the Rat Watch before November, so keep watching.

Meanwhile, as John McLaughlin would say, "Mr. Olson, bye-bye!"

It's time to prepare for George W. Bush's legal defense needs... after his flying ass monkeys attempt to steal ANOTHER election.

There's NO sleazier attorney than Ted Olson!
He's needed at Bush/Nader/Cheney HQ stat!

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