Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Republicans respond to Edwards

The Republican National Committee (RNC) was first out of the starting gate with a 40-page website denouncing Edwards as “a disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal and friend to personal injury trial lawyers.” I’m always surprised when Republicans use the word “accomplished” while sporting a candidate who needs help with his shoelaces.

The “business community” is reported to be nervous, according to CBS MarketWatch.

"We believe Edwards's choice could be perceived negatively for companies in the pharmaceutical, managed care, property/casualty insurance and student loan industries, among others, in our view," wrote Charles Gabriel, a policy analyst with Prudential Equity Group.

The Democratic ticket's two big worries for Wall Street, Valliere [chief political strategist at Schwab Soundview Capital Markets] said, is that Edwards adds a more "protectionist" cast to the campaign. Also, a Kerry-Edwards ticket would presumably be less likely to make tort reform a high priority, he said.

The Washington Post adds that

Jerry Jasinowski, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, said Edwards has shown “conspicuous hostility to manufacturing and business."

I like it when they’re “nervous,” but I’d be happier if they were “worried,” as in

[A]nalysts see worries for Wall Street should the Kerry-Edward tickets prevail. (CBS MarketWatch)

Culture warriors were also prompt to respond.

The socially conservative Concerned Women for America portrayed Edwards as trying to have it both ways on issues such as gay marriage. "He's a Kerry clone with charisma: He flip-flops on the issues, very hard to nail down," said Janice Crouse, an official with the group.

As for the horse race in the South,

[E]lection watchers say that while Edwards may be unlikely to tilt North Carolina to Bush, he may help the Democrats retain his Senate seat.

University of Virginia political science professor Larry Sabato changed his rating on the North Carolina Senate race from "toss-up" to "leans Democratic" in the wake of the selection. Erskine Bowles, who served as chief of staff in the Clinton White House, has been leading Republican Rep. Richard Burr in the battle over the open seat.

When you consider the Supreme Court vacancies coming up, gaining a Democratic Senate is at least as important as winning the Presidency.

The New York Post, unfortunately, was unable to comment. Their front page shouted “Dem Picks Gephardt as VP Candidate.”

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