Sunday, August 15, 2004


Democracy in action—pressing issue of the day #1

The Rapid City Journal, which must be from Rapid City, SD, is making sure that locals stay abreast of the issues in this campaign. John Thune, the Republican challenger, is giving Tom Daschle, current Minority Leader in the Senate, a "run for his money"—and in politics that phrase really means something.

In a 2500-word article titled "Chicken What?" I learned three things:

Since I'm not from South Dakota, I think I can clear this up in a way that will be fair to both sides and perhaps leave the Rapid City Journal free to pursue other interests at the same time.

Tom Daschle is a chickenshit, and John Thune's campaign manager is a foul-mouthed son-of-a-bitch.

Now I wonder if there was anything else troubling them.

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