Monday, October 11, 2004


Afghani independent commission to investigate election

To quell all the nasty talk of vote fraud, the Afghanis (read "Washington") have decided to set up a special commission to investigate.

Meanwhile, the 15 candidates in opposition to Karzai, all of whom withdrew their candidacies in protest, are being pressured (and probably bought) to accept the result. The AP reports,

International officials met privately in an effort to end a boycott of the ballot by opponents of U.S.-backed interim President Hamid Karzai, a heavy favorite to win.

Who knows what the commission may find...Oh, wait. Here's a clue—

In Washington, U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice predicted that "this election is going to be judged legitimate."

"I'm just certain of it," she said.

Previous post:
Afghani election fraud

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