Monday, October 18, 2004


Greens for Impact

David Segal, a Green city councilman in Providence, RI, has sent an email requesting a link to his site "Greens for Impact." Their goals are

  1. Encourage voters to register Green,
  2. Encourage voters in safe states -- those that are so overwhelmingly Republican or Democratic that we can be confident today of who will win there in November -- to vote for David Cobb in the General Election,
  3. Encourage voters in swing states to vote for John Kerry in the general election, and
  4. Actively and forcefully push for the use of instant runoff voting (IRV) wherever suitable, alongside ballot access reform and full public financing of campaigns.

I've been meaning to write about instant-runoff voting for some time now, so until I get a roundtuit, go read what they have to say.

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