Wednesday, November 17, 2004


The first Welsh speech in the European Parliament

Europeans are a great deal more committed to linguistic multiculturalism than are Americans. The only language permitted in the U.S., other than English, is glossolalia or "speaking in tongues," which is a language that only God understands.

The European Parliament has decided to let its speakers use any language they choose, though only the 20 "official" languages are translated. To test this newly bestowed freedom, European Parliament Member Jill Evans had this to say on "the need to communicate the EU better to its citizens"—

Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle i siarad yn y siambr hon yn Gymraeg yn gyfreithlon am y tro cyntaf, er nad oes ’na gyfieithu.

Rwy’n credu bod hwn yn gam ymlaen tuag at Ewrop o’r pobloedd ac Ewrop sydd yn dathlu ei amrywiaeth. Diwylliant yw’r pedwaredd dimensiwn mewn adeiladu Ewrop – ynghyd a’r economi, yr amgylchedd a’r dimensiwn cymdeithasol.

Rhoddodd y Cyngor llawer o bwyslais ar gyfathrebu. Pa ffordd gwell sydd o gyfathrebu gyda phobl nag yn eu hieithoedd eu hunain


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