Monday, November 29, 2004
Ottawa shutting down for Bush, spinning like a top
Canada is not exempt from the requirements of the Imperium, so for Bush's visit it will have to "close the streets, erect the barricades and weld shut the manhole covers."
But even in Canada don't expect "fair and balanced" from the media. Canadian coverage reflects the kind of openness, relatively speaking, that the U.S. media used to demonstrate. But the U.S. media always exhibited a pro-government, anti-protest spin, and Canada's is no different.
I thought of this when reading Rick Westhead's report in the Toronto Star of preparations for Bush's Canadian visit. Westhead gave a protestor's viewpoint; he gave a Conservative's viewpoint. And then he wrote—
No one can say definitively that the three days of planned demonstrations to mark Bush's visit to Ottawa won't be marred by violence, as have other recent large-scale protests. Of course, it takes only a few violent protesters or a handful of overzealous police officers to make a peaceful situation chaotic.
You see, in the media world protestors are "violent" but police are "overzealous." So let's just rewrite that sentence—
Of course, it takes only a few overzealous protesters or a handful of violent police officers to make a peaceful situation chaotic.
Now that seems fair and balanced, don't you think?
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