Monday, December 13, 2004


Another reason I won't be supporting Hillary for President in 2008

According to the Washington Times, Hillary Clinton is trying to out-conservative the Republicans on the issue of illegal immigrants—
.... the former first lady told WABC she favors "at least a visa ID, some kind of entry-and-exit ID. And ... perhaps, although I'm not a big fan of it, we might have to move towards an ID system even for citizens."

Yes, a national ID system will be necessary as the government "ramps up" its internal travel restrictions. The national ID will serve as your internal passport.

On NPR's Morning Edition ("Search Back on for Homeland Security Chief"), Cokie Roberts noted today that Bernard Kerik, the recently embarrassed ex-candidate for Homeland Security "czar," had had the full support of both Democratic New York Senators Clinton and Schumer.

Well, Rudy Giuliani is said to be on excellent terms with the Clintons. Why shouldn't they support his boy? After all, Kerik is from New York—or maybe New Jersey.

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