Friday, January 28, 2005


Doomed if you do and doomed if you don't

Steven Komarow of USA Today reports on some "ominous campaign literature."

A Baghdad flier, presumed to be from the Sunni insurgents, reads—

God's curse on this comedy named elections, this dirty game that serves the occupier and his bastards.... Be away from them and save your life. Being part in the dirty elections is considered a crime against religion, Iraq and the Iraqi people. Don't participate in elections. All polls will be hit.

But another flier, this one presumed to be from the Shia, enjoins—

In order for you to avoid doomed death and the hell for a while, we have decided to give you the last chance for forgiveness for your children's sake... You must raise a white flag on the roof of your houses and must go on polling day to the polling center to vote for anybody.

But Iraqi security officials may have inadvertently provided a way out—they're setting up dummy polling stations! The solution for the distressed citizen is to go to a decoy station, appear to vote and satisfy the Shia, while in reality casting no ballot, thus satisfying the Sunnis.

The idea for decoy polling stations may have come out of the recent American elections. In that election there were polling stations in Ohio and elsewhere that represented more than one precinct. People voting on the wrong machine for their precinct simply had their votes discarded. It was inspiring.

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