Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Currency exchange controls going into place?

In September I included in a post a reference to a quote by Jim Rogers, cofounder of the Quantum Fund—
I suspect there will be exchange controls in the US in the foreseeable future ... Whoever is elected President is going to have serious problems in 2005-06. We Americans are going to suffer.

A post at the Liberty Forum (via "What Really Happened") suggests that the controls are going into place under the cover of the Patriot Act. The writer refers to—

  1. New bankruptcy law (last week)
  2. Announcement that travel to other parts of North America will require a passport (papers please)
  3. New compliance standards for foreign banks (this past year)
  4. Elimination of foreign accounts for US residents (one by one)

If you have some dollars to put into a more promising currency, I wouldn't wait much longer.

Previous post
Something you should know about your dollars

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