Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Parliamentary procedure

According to Michael Blackley of The Scotsman,
A MEMBER of the Scottish Parliament has been caught on CCTV [closed circuit TV] committing a sex act within the parliament’s grounds.

The MSP, who has not yet been identified, appeared on CCTV screens with a male aide performing a sex act on him.

It is now possible that charges may be brought against the pair - who committed the act after-hours in the grounds of the Holyrood building - for lewd and libidinous behaviour.

Libidinous behavior? I thought that had been eliminated from the British Isles at about the time St. Patrick was chasing the snakes out of Ireland.
It is believed that the man involved has been an MSP for some years.

He is not thought to be openly gay.

He is now.
It is alleged by a parliament insider that he is currently involved in a heterosexual relationship.

A common allegation, which is best ignored—especially if the representative rants a lot about "family values."

Maybe now they'll take the intrusiveness of those spy cameras everywhere a little more seriously.

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