Tuesday, May 31, 2005


The "liberal" press

FoxNews' Bill O'Reilly didn't like an editorial by Michael Kinsley in the LA Times. Media Matters and others have made a big deal of O'Reilly's suggestion that Kinsley would only understand O'Reilly's objections to providing lawyers for inmates at Guantánamo when terrorists "grab Michael Kinsley out of his little house and they cut off his head."

The Times, frequently identified as a "liberal" paper, fired back with this—

Where did The Times' editorial page get the idea that winning the war on terrorism depends on persuading societies that breed terrorists that they should like us and adopt our values? Actually, this is not some wooly left-wing notion concocted over a joint during a lesbian wedding reception in Santa Monica. It is the cornerstone of the George Bush presidency, according to Bush himself.

I suppose that is meant to legitimize the editorial—that the Times has taken a position identical to that of George Bush. But I fear they've taken a wrong turn. If they really want to understand the intricacies of psyops and foreign policy, they should try smoking a joint at a lesbian wedding reception.

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