Saturday, July 02, 2005


Maggie Thatcher's pension nightmare

In 1988 the British Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher installed a scheme similar to the Republican Social Security plan to divert future pensioners' money into private accounts. British pensioners who opted out of the government's pension system are now rueing the day. David Prosser explains
When dodgy timeshare salesmen offer cheap and nasty free gifts to lure holidaymakers into overpriced rip-offs that last for years, consumer watchdogs rightly get mad. But the only difference between the cowboy end of timeshare and what has happened in the murky world of state pensions is that the latter has been a government-sanctioned con.

Bad enough that, in 1988, the then Conservative government began offering a few measly quid to persuade millions of savers to opt out of the state second pension scheme, then known as Serps. Even worse, it also decided to throw money at financial advisers and insurers to help them persuade us that opting out was a good idea.

For those with short memories, by the end of the Eighties, the Tories were desperate to cut the social security budget. So they came up with a cunning plan to get people off the state pension books. Savers were advised to contract out of Serps – which became the state second pension (S2P) in 2004 – into a private pension.

To persuade them, savers were offered a rebate of National Insurance contributions plus, in some cases, a bonus top-up to their plans. Insurers and advisers were encouraged to sell the idea with generous sales commissions and plan charges. The government and the pensions industry said the rebates, once invested in a well-run private plan, would grow to be worth much more than people could expect to get from the state.

Unfortunately, the contracting-out affair has turned out to be an unmitigated disaster. A combination of poor stock market returns and falling National Insurance rebates has hampered savers. As a result, the majority of the 6 million who opted out of Serps are likely to get a smaller income from their private pensions than the State would have paid. Which?, the consumer organisation, says many people will get 60 per cent less.

The Pensions Advisory Service wants the government to require advisers to help savers review their options. But that plea is, sadly, likely to fall on deaf ears. So far, the government has maintained an ominous silence on the whole issue. Given that it created the mess in the first place, don't expect that to change.

Related post
George Bush: Cheerleader-in-Chief of Social Security "reform" (2/14/05)

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