Wednesday, July 06, 2005


The Reservists' award

The Army Reservists (and National Guard) from all accounts have been getting the short end of the stick. They were asked to serve in a mission for which they were not prepared. They're kept on active duty for a stint that no one could have imagined. And they don't receive all the benefits of being in the regular Army.

While I wasn't paying attention, the Congress and President Bush made it up to them. Last year they created the "Warrior Citizen" award. Formally it's part of the Army Reserve Welcome Home Warrior Citizen Award Program.

The Reservists deserve a better welcome home—like good health care and enforcement of the law guaranteeing their jobs when they return. But the Bush administration prefers symbol over substance, symbol being so much cheaper.

But this symbol bothers me. I know, I know—It's just a word. But now that we have the ominous connotation of "Homeland" Security and the deceptive meaning of the "Patriot" Act, I'm not looking forward to seeing the "Warrior Citizen" license plates that some state legislature is sure to come up with.

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