Saturday, August 13, 2005


Outsourcing the war: Cheap Colombian mercenaries

Agence France-Presse reports that the U.S. has just found a new trove of fighters—in Colombia.

A US company operating out of Ecuador says it has signed up about 1,000 Colombian police and military staff to work as hired guns in Iraq, for less than half of their US counterparts' salaries.

Colombians "have been fighting terrorists for the past 41 years and are experts in their respective areas" such as explosives and guerrilla warfare, Epi Security and Investigation says on its website,

The Colombian daily El Tiempo reported Friday that the Colombians would be paid $US2,500 to $US5,000 a month, roughly half what their US and British counterparts earn.

Sounds like they may be exporting their right-wing paramilitaries. That should really take some of the pressure off U.S. forces and be quite a treat for Iraqi civilians. All at bargain prices!

Related post
The "Western Way" of War (8/9/05)

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