Friday, August 05, 2005


Some feedback on the Ohio election

Commenter MeowMeow took umbrage at my remarks about the campaign of Paul Hackett, and urges me not to trust whatever the MSM had to say about it. Since she was an on-the-scene campaign worker, I'm reposting her comments. (And believe me, MeowMeow, I don't trust the MSM.) Thanks for adding to the reporting about the Democratic efforts. They do cheer me up.
Your analysis of the campaign's organization is mostly just plain wrong. Dems got out about 63% of the vote from 2004 while Repubs only got out about 28% of their vote.1 The Dem organization did a fantastic job. Yeah, sure, mistakes were made. There are always mistakes made. But Hackett's campaign used the blogsphere to its advantage and raised .. I don't even know the figure.. something like $400K.2 He also pulled in workers from all over the country--people like me who drove 10 hours each way to help him make his final push.

Yeah, there wasn't much work left to be done on election day. That's because we'd already done it all!

Please don't trust the mainstream media's opinion of what happened with the campaign. Hackett's campaign was bustling with activity. Schmidt's office across the street was completely empty. Yeah, they panicked at the last minute and brought in some horses. They needed to. Ours were already there.

Now, for the man who said he doesn't vote. 32,000 OH-02 Democrats who voted in 2004 did not vote on Tuesday. Paul Hackett lost by less than 4,000 votes. Never give up. We can do it. We would have done it on Tuesday if those 32,000 people would have shown up to do their civic duty.

Previous post
Jean Schmidt elected to lifetime appointment as U.S. Congresswoman from Ohio (8/3/05)


1To get out 63% of the Democratic vote in a special election is truly a fantastic accomplishment. But if the Repugs got out only 28% of their vote and still won, it reinforces the point I was making in the previous post—that Hackett's loss was due to the gerrymandering of the district. [back]

2ActBlue is showing a total of $450,628.63 contributed by 8,760 donors for an average contribution of $51/44 per donor. [back]

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