Friday, September 23, 2005


Anonymity for the masses

Reporters Without Borders has published a new guide—"Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents." Sophie Nicholson of the AP writes,
Bloggers are often the only real journalists in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure," Julien Pain, head of the watchdog's Internet Freedom desk, writes in the introduction.

In a bid to inspire budding Web diarists around the world, the 87-page booklet gives advice on setting up and running blogs, and on using pseudonyms and anonymous proxies, which can be used to replace easily traceable home computer addresses.

"With a bit of common sense, perseverance and especially by picking the right tools, any blogger should be able to overcome censorship," Pain writes.

Download your copy here. The guidebook's available in English, French, Chinese, Arabic and Persian.

I can understand why they needed to print it in all those foreign languages, but why English? We don't have that problem here, do we?

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