Thursday, November 03, 2005


Mindbender of the Day

The fact there hasn't been an attack here is great news. But it is beginning to have a negative aspect to it, which is complacency. It is very hard to get the appropriations that we need ... for reducing our vulnerabilities here at home under these circumstances. We have not done a very good job of reducing our vulnerabilities here at home.
— Richard Clarke, author of Against All Enemies and advisor to the National Security Council on counterterrorism on 9/11/01, as quoted by David Cook

Putting aside the thought that the absence of an attack on the U.S. is anything but great news, the problem for the American public is neither complacency nor lack of appropriations for security. The problem is that the vast sums already appropriated have been criminally mishandled, mismanaged, and mispent.

Until that golden morn when those crimes are investigated and the culpable government and corporate heads are displayed about the public square, there will be little progress in implementing plans to protect the country. In their stead we will be offered the ersatz security of the continuing elimination of our civil liberties.

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