Monday, February 20, 2006


The Catholic vagina

According to Tom Coyne of the AP, Notre Dame is in a tizzy about what to do with a production of the Vagina Monologues. The problem, says the president of another Catholic college, is that

There's really not much you can work with in the play from a Catholic point of view. All the sex in the play is immoral. It's same-sex, it's autoerotic and extramarital. So it's not like it's a work of art that has the voice of the Catholic woman and her experience in sexuality.

One wonders if the Rev. Brian Shanley, first a priest and then a man, really knows his vaginas or if he inhabits a world of fantasy vaginas, since he clearly hasn't heard the confessions of some of the Catholic women I've met.

All this is helped along by Malcolm Kline, executive director of Accuracy in Academia,

"When you put 'Catholic university' in your title and your Web site looks like the 'Bells of St. Mary's,' you set up an image that students expect," said Malcolm A. Kline, executive director of Accuracy in Academia, a nonprofit watchdog group based in Washington. "What I get from parents and students is, 'I thought I was going to a Catholic school, and they're showing the 'V Monologues.'"

Note that reporter Coyne has identified Accuracy in Academia only as a "nonprofit watchdog group" so that you would never guess that this right-winger opinion is anything other than a "neutral" survey. The truth is clearly exposed in the organization's metadescription (on display by Google): "the premiere conservative organization for college campuses across the nation." The organization purports to offer "frequent updates of campus political correctness atrocities," which certainly gives new meaning to the phrase "political correctness."

Notre Dame will let the production go forward but only in the classroom, thus keeping knowledge of these particular vaginas from the paying public.

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