Sunday, November 12, 2006
Call Rewrite!
The Washington Post today is running an article by Zachary A. Goldfarb headlined "The Questions That Defined the Election."
Eagerly I began to read the Goldfarb analysis, but since it was spread over three web pages I switched over to the print view. Imagine my surprise when the "questions" morphed into other questions.
To give you a feel for how different they are, here are the headings in the original—
- The elephant in the room
- Money matters
- Tune in, Turn on
- The Abamoff echo
- Border patrol
- Anxious suburbs
- Tough terrain
- Red-state revival
Now over in print view we have—
- Ballot issues
- Iraq
- Immigration
- Money matters
- The elephant in the room
- Tough terrain
- Scandal alert
Since the "elephant in the room" was George Bush, it's interesting that he comes first in the standard online version but falls way down the list in the printable version. Now I don't know what I'm supposed to think.
Tags: * editing Washington Post election election 2006 analysis election analysis issues values
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