Thursday, November 23, 2006


Fool of the Day

Thanks to Greg Mitchell of E&P for pointing out this column—

I ... originally had no moral qualms about the war. Saddam Hussein was a beast who had twice invaded his neighbors, had killed his own people with abandon and posed a threat — and not just a theoretical one — to Israel. If anything, I was encouraged in my belief by the offensive opposition to the war — silly arguments about oil or empire or, at bottom, the ineradicable and perpetual rottenness of America.

On the contrary, I thought. We are a good country, attempting to do a good thing. In a post-Sept. 11 world, I thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic.

—Richard Cohen, Washington Post columnist, Israeli stooge and consummate asshole writing in "The Lingo of Vietnam"

Can you believe this man gets paid to express his opinions?


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