Saturday, December 30, 2006


Getting stoned in Pakistan

Someday I'll defend the proposition that Pakistan is a greater nuclear threat than Iran and North Korea combined. But in the meantime there's this from the "tribal areas" that border Afghanistan—

An Afghan refugee was stoned to death on Friday on the charges of attempted robbery and murder. The man was sentenced by a tribal jirga in the Bedamnai area.

Tribal elders of the Musakhel tribe met in Khwezai tehsil, 20km west of the agency headquarters and decided to carry out the sentence in accordance with “Islamic laws”. The Afghan refugee named Imran had allegedly killed a boy named Shah Khalid during an attempted robbery two weeks ago.

The jirga also prohibited local people from renting out houses to Afghan refugees besides threatening violators with a fine of Rs1 million. About 500 tribesmen were reportedly involved in stoning the man to death. Later, some of the tribesmen are also said to have fired at the dying man.

This is the second time that a man has been killed by stoning in two weeks.


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