Friday, January 19, 2007


Venezuelan TV tries on a dress

There's nothing in English so I'll just translate Mathilde Guillaume's note in Têtu—

A transvestite in the macho world of TV soap operas

The new Venezuelan soap opera "The Kings" has all the most classic elements: cardboard sets, a predictable script (a beautiful, poor young woman falls hopelessly in love with a handsome, rich young man—can love triumph?) and actors not exactly subtle... But what's causing a lot of ink to flow ... is that one of the principal characters, Laisa Reyes, is a transvestite, whose role will be to draw the viewers' attention to the problems related to discrimination. The transexual actress Endry Cardeño plays Laisa Reyes, a voluptuous character for which she took courses in "glamor" and etiquette. "The Kings" is in fact the remake of an Argentinian soap opera, which finished last year by beating all audience ratings for the [South American] continent.


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