Friday, February 25, 2005
Talon News retracts its claws
The site has now posted this notice—
The recent public focus on Talon News, while much of it malicious, has indeed brought some constructive elements to the surface. It has also brought many kind messages of support, and for that we are extremely grateful.In order to better serve those readers across the country who enjoy Talon News content and look forward to receiving it each day, we feel compelled to reevaluate operations in order to provide the highest quality, most professional product possible.
Thus, Talon News will be offline while we redesign the web site, perform a top-to-bottom review of staff and volunteer contributors, and address future operational procedures.
We look forward to bringing an even better product to our readers in the future.
I think they should have posted some of the kind messages of support. What might they have been like?
Dear Talon News,I have always enjoyed reading your reprints of White House press releases and Republican talking points. You have filled a real void in the news. I'm glad that you have had the courage to publish them.
As for Jeff Gannon, no one has pointed out that he put at risk his own small-business venture in order to cover the White House. His service to the White House and the Republican party has largely gone unrecognized.
Keep on clawing!
Yours in tooth and claw,
A fan
P.S. Would there be any photos of Jeff in a glossy? My wife asked me to try to get her one.
I am a little concerned about their "top-to-bottom review." Jeff was a "top." After he resigned, has Talon News been left with only "bottoms"?
(Thanks to E&P for calling my attention to this.)
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